Salah satu jenis tenses dalam bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk berandai-andai adalah past future continuous.
Bentuk kata kerja ini menjelaskan suatu aksi yang diharapkan sedang berlangsung di masa lampau. Namun, aksi tersebut mungkin terjadi atau mungkin tidak terjadi.
Past future continuous terkadang digunakan untuk membuat kalimat pengandaian / conditional sentence tipe 2.
Untuk memahami lebih lanjut mengenai bentuk tense ini, simak penjelasan lengkap berikut.
Pengertian Past Future Continuous Tense
Menurut pengertiannya, past future continuous merupakan salah satu bentuk kata kerja yang menyatakan bahwa sebuah aksi direncanakan akan berlangsung di masa depan, namun dalam bingkai waktu masa lampau.
Pada penerapannya, tense ini sering digunakan untuk kalimat pengandaian di mana kenyataan berbeda dengan harapan.
Bentuk tense ini mempunyai dua fungsi, yaitu:
- Mengungkapkan bahwa suatu aksi seharusnya terjadi di masa lampau.
Contoh: You would be eating spaghetti if you did not mess up with the sauce.
Kalimat di atas menggambarkan pengandaian bahwa subyek akan sedang makan spageti.
Namun kenyataannya, subyek tidak makan spageti karena dia mengacaukan sausnya.
- Menyatakan rencana yang akan sedang terjadi di masa depan dalam bingkai waktu masa lalu
Contoh: Her father said that he would be repairing the kitchen sink.
Kalimat tersebut berbentuk indirect speech atau kalimat tak langsung. Indirect speech dengan bentuk past future continuous biasanya terbentuk dari direct speech dengan future continuous tense.
Rumus Past Future Continuous Tense
Past future continuous tense dapat dibentuk dengan rumus tertentu yang menggabungkan bentuk past future tense (should/would) dan continuous tense (be).
Kalimat ini mempunyai verb-ing yang menggambarkan progressive.
Bentuk past future continuous hanya menggunakan kata kerja yang bersifat dinamis dan sangat jarang digunakan untuk kata kerja yang bersifat statis.
Berikut ini pilihan rumus yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat kalimat past future continuous:
Rumus Past Future Continuous Tense untuk Kalimat positif
Subject + would + be + verb-ing
Contoh: My uncle would be spending his holiday in Italy.
Rumus Past Future Continuous Tense untuk Kalimat negatif
Subject + would + not + be + verb-ing
Contoh: My uncle would not be spending his holiday in Italy.
Rumus Past Future Continuous Tense untuk Kalimat interogatif
Would + subject + be + verb-ing
Contoh: Would my uncle be spending his holiday in Italy?
Past future continuous tense pada umumnya menggunakan keterangan waktu yang menunjukkan masa lalu seperti by this time yesterday, last week, yesterday, at … o’clock yesterday, dan lain sebagainya.
Contoh Kalimat Past Future Continuous Tense
- They would be studying English with a native speaker last week.
Mereka akan sedang belajar bahasa Inggris dengan penutur asli minggu lalu.
- If you joined the class, you would be learning the process of volcanic eruption.
Jika kamu bergabung dengan kelas itu, kamu akan sedang belajar mengenai proses erupsi gunung berapi.
- We would be cooking rendang if you bought the meat.
Kita akan sedang memasak rendang jika kamu membeli daging.
- The woman would be visiting an orphan house by this time yesterday.
Wanita itu akan sedang mengunjungi rumah yatim menjelang waktu ini kemarin.
- You should not be queuing for a long time if you came earlier.
Kamu tidak harus mengantre terlalu lama jika kamu datang lebih awal.
- The workers would be having a break at 12 o’clock yesterday.
Para pekerja akan sedang istirahat pada jam 12 kemarin.
- He would be helping me by this time last week.
Dia akan sedang membantu saya menjelang waktu ini minggu lalu.
- If you bought the DVD player, Tamara would not be listening to the radio.
Jika kamu membeli pemutar DVD, Tamara tidak akan mendengarkan radio
- My friend said that she would not be waiting for me last week.
Teman saya berkata bahwa dia tidak akan sedang menunggu saya minggu lalu.
- The girl would not be leaving the class if she knew the teacher was there.
Gadis itu tidak akan meninggalkan kelas jika dia tahu bahwa gurunya ada di sana.
Jika sudah paham materinya, silakan latihan dengan menjawab kumpulan soal past future continuous tense di bawah ini ya.
Contoh Soal Past Future Continuous Tense
Answer the questions by choosing a, b, c or d!
1. Mr. Ihsan __________ (examine) the frog if he found one.
- would have been examining
- would have examined
- would examine
- would be examining
2. Shinta said that she ___________ (not attend) the conference last week. She was in another city at that time.
- would not be attending
- would not have been attending
- would not have attended
- would not attend
3. Mother: If you bought the mozzarella cheese, we ________ (cook) a delicious pizza by this time last week.
Me: Sorry mom, I forgot.
- would have been cooking
- would be cooking
- would have cooked
- would cook
4. Uncle Sam: I ________ (have) a flight to Mexico by this time yesterday.
Me: Why are you still here now?
Uncle Sam: I lose the ticket.
- would have
- will have
- would be having
- will be having
5. My father ________ (work) in the office on Sunday last week.
- would be working
- would work
- would have been working
- would be worked
6. Jane: I _______ (visit) my grandmother’s house at 8 o’clock.
Jennifer: What happened?
Jane: I lose my car key so I couldn’t go anywhere.
- would have been visiting
- would have visited
- would visit
- would be visiting
7. We ________ (listen) to the speech at 7 o’clock yesterday.
- will listen
- would be listening
- would have been listening
- would have listened
8. If you registered earlier, you __________ (not wait) for a long time.
- would not be waiting
- would not wait
- would not have been waiting
- will not wait
9. Kong: Hey, what do you think about the concert last night?
Ding: I didn’t come last night.
Kong: Why? You said that you ________ (come) to the concert last night.
Ding: Yeah, I was grounded so I couldn’t go anywhere.
- would come
- would have come
- would have been coming
- would be coming
10. The dog ________ (not chase) you if you did not disturb him.
- would not chase
- would not have been chasing
- would not be chasing
- would not have chased
Kunci jawaban:
1. D, 2. A, 3. B, 4. C, 5. A, 6. D, 7. B, 8. A, 9. D, 10. C
Demikian pembahasan tentang past future continuous tense mulai dari pengertian, rumus, hingga contoh soalnya. Semoga dapat menambah wawasan bagi pembacanya.
Sekian dari rumus pintar. Happy learning.