Recount text adalah salah satu jenis teks yang biasa ditemukan ketika kamu mempelajari bahasa Inggris.
Teks recount mempunyai tujuan, ciri, serta struktur kebahasaan tersendiri yang membedakannya dengan teks lain.
Bagi kamu yang ingin mempelajari lebih lanjut mengenai teks recount, simak pembahasan berikut mengenai pengertian, ciri, generic structure, serta contoh teks dan latihan soal!
Pengertian Recount Text
Recount text merupakan tulisan yang menceritakan pengalaman masa lalu atau kejadian yang dialami oleh penulis di masa lampau.
Tujuannya adalah untuk memberikan informasi atau sekedar menghibur pembaca.
Recount text sering kali dianggap sama dengan narrative text.
Keduanya memang memiliki beberapa kesamaan seperti berisi cerita, menggunakan bentuk past tense, serta bertujuan untuk menghibur pembaca.
Namun recount dan narrative juga mempunyai perbedaan, yaitu recount tidak bersifat dramatis sedangkan narrative mempunyai konflik dan penyelesaian masalah.
Jenis-jenis Recount Text
Ada beberapa macam recount text, antara lain:
Personal recount
Sesuai dengan namanya, jenis recount yang satu ini menceritakan kembali peristiwa atau kejadian yang dialami oleh seseorang di masa lalu.
Cerita tersebut bisa berupa pengalaman tak terlupakan, jalan-jalan, melihat sesuatu yang unik, dan seterusnya.
Factual recount
Jenis recount ini bersifat faktual dan peristiwa yang disampaikan dapat memberikan informasi kepada pembaca. Contoh factual recount adalah berita.
Imaginative recount
Imaginative recount merupakan cerita kejadian di masa lampau yang bersifat khayalan dan tidak benar-benar terjadi. Biasanya, cerita ini hanya berfokus pada sebuah kejadian tanpa fokus pada karakter di dalamnya.
Baca juga Report Text.
Ciri-Ciri Recount Text
Untuk mengenali sebuah teks recount, kamu bisa melihat beberapa ciri-ciri yang sering muncul. Berikut ini sejumlah ciri-ciri yang membedakan recount text dengan teks jenis lain:
- Menggunakan bentuk past tense.
- Menggunakan adjective of Time seperti a week ago, last year, yesterday, etc.
- Fokus pada satu tokoh saja.
- Menggunakan conjunction seperti before, after, therefore, afterwards, etc.
- Memakai Action verb
Generic Structure Recount Text
Seperti halnya teks naratif, generic structure teks recount terdiri dari tiga komponen utama. Komponen tersebut meliputi orientation, event, dan re-orientation. Simak penjelasan lengkap masing-masing tahapan di bawah ini.
- Orientation
Orientation merupakan bagian pembuka atau pendahuluan dalam sebuah cerita. Pada bagian ini, penulis dapat mengenalkan tokoh yang terlibat, waktu, serta tempat kejadian.
Beberapa penulis juga memberikan gambaran singkat mengenai peristiwa yang akan diceritakan.
- Events
Tahapan ini merupakan inti dari sebuah teks recount. Pada tahapan ini, penulis menjabarkan peristiwa yang dialami di masa lalu secara kronologis.
Tidak seperti teks naratif yang mempunyai konflik, recount bersifat lebih datar dan tidak mengandung banyak drama.
- Re-orientation
Re-orientation merupakan bagian yang berfungsi untuk menutup teks recount. Bagian ini menceritakan akhir dari peristiwa dan bisa berupa kesimpulan.
Baca juga Descriptive Text.
Contoh Recount Text
Last year, my friends and I went to Yogyakarta. Four of us visited many places such as Yogyakarta Palace, Malioboro, and Kaliurang. We were so excited because it was our first visit in Yogyakarta.
Kaliurang was our last destination. We went there early in the morning to see the clear and magnificent scenery of Mount Merapi. We rented two motorcycles and rushed to the spot. When we finally got there, we were so jolly and we couldn’t think clearly. The beautiful landscape blew our mind!
We parked our motorcycles and waited for a car to pick us up. When a car came, there were only two seats and I told two of my friends to take the turn. They agreed and got into the car. My friend and I waited for the next round. While waiting, my friend asked me where the motorcycle key was. I was startled! I forgot the key! I checked my bag, purse, pockets, but it was not there.
I ran back to the parking lot but I couldn’t find anything. My friend and I searched around, tracked our way to the waiting area but we found nothing. We almost gave up when my phone rang. My friend called and told me that she brought the key. She said that I left the key on the motorcycle and she decided to keep it. I felt so relieved and enjoyed the rest of our trip.
Kalo sudah paham materinya, yuk jawab latihan soal recount text di bawah ini buat uji pemahaman kamu.
Contoh Soal Recount Text
Read the text carefully and find the right answers by choosing a, b, c, or d!
Three years ago, my campus sent me and my friend to Thailand for a teaching program. We were assigned to teach English for Islamic schools in Krabi.
Our plane departed at 7 am and landed in Kuala Lumpur at 11 am of local time. We transited in KL for around 5 hours and continued our flight to Krabi at 4 pm. We were so excited because it was our first travel to Krabi. About 5 pm of local time, we landed in Krabi airport and processed our entrance. The officer checked our passport and arrival card and we were clear.
We took our luggage from the conveyor, put it to the X-ray scanner and walked through a metal detector. My luggage was fine and I waited for my friend in front of the exit door. I saw many passengers walked through the door but none of them was my friend. Where was him?
I decided to check him. I entered the door and found my friend was surrounded by local officers. They dismantled his luggage because something suspicious appeared on the scanner. Then, they found a box and said it was the suspicious thing they saw on the scanner. I was giggling because it was ‘bakpia’, a local snack from Yogyakarta. I explained what it really was and they finally let us go.
1. What is the text about?
- Criminal in an airport
- Funny experience in an airport
- Writer’s first travel to Kuala Lumpur
- A tired day
2. The following statement about the text is true, except ….
- It was writer’s first travel to Thailand
- The writer traveled with her friend
- The writer’s friend was a criminal
- Bakpia is a local snack from Yogyakarta
3. Why was the writer giggling?
- Local officer thought bakpia was a suspicious thing
- She waited for her friend
- Her documents were clear
- She was excited for the travel
4. The synonym of word ‘dismantle’ is ….
- Close
- Cover
- Bring
- Reveal
5. Which statement is correct?
- The writer and her friend were sent to Thailand by their campus
- The writer visited Thailand for vacation
- Her friend brought something dangerous
- They flew directly from Indonesia to Krabi
Kunci jawaban:
1. B, 2. C, 3. A, 4. D, 5. A
Demikian pembahasan tentang recount text mulai dari pengertian, jenis-jenis, generic structure, hingga contoh soalnya. Semoga dengan membaca artikel ini anda bisa meningkatkan pemahaman tentang recount text.
Sekian dari recount text. Selamat belajar.